In Feb., I was invited to participate in an exhibition in Venezuela by my friend Alexander Pinto. I created a couple of large paintings on paper and was ready to send them off till I found out the cost of shipping. ChaChing!! So I scrambled to make some smaller work to get the cost down and sent them on the 13th. I ended up sending 3 small pieces on paper, but wasn't sure if I'd make the delivery date. Fortunately everything turned out fine with one day to spare before the installation was completed. Whew!
Here's the invite. The artists are: Albert Shweitzer, Baltimore-Estados Unidos Aldo Anzaloni, Barcelona-Venezuela Catalina Schliebener, Santiago de Chile -Chile Dalia Ferreira, Caracas-Venezuela Daniel Alfonzo Rivas, Margarita -Venezuela David González (Guarapo Zimple), Barquisimeto-Venezuela Fernando Sucre, Resd. Miami - Venezuela Francisco Pinto, Catia La Mar -Venezuela Freddy Berroteran, Caracas -Venezuela Honys Torres, Pto. Piritu -Venezuela Javier Hidalgo, Cumana-Venezuela John Yoyogi Fortes, Sacramento -Estados Unidos Jorge Opazo, Buenos Aires -Argentina Luis Salazar, Caracas -Venezuela Macjob Parabavis, Caracas-Venezuela María Gracia Monrò, Caracas-Venezuela Peter Hans Pfeiffer, Pto. Pìritu-Venezuela Peter Sandcreek, Nieuwleusen-Holanda Ronald Navarro, Barcelona-Venezuela Rosalinda Laya, Barcelona -Venezuela
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Well i finally got my new site together and hope to have all the images and info for the work up in a few days. As of today, I'll be shutting down my other blog, Beyond Eyes Reach, just to keep it all here and simplify things. I'd love to hear your feedback if you're having problems viewing the work or videos. I haven't been painting in a while because I've been so involved with video, but will be posting